Hi Everyone! Have you ever failed to open your webmail? So you can't send or receive email. Or has your website ever crashed and cannot be accessed? Chances are your hosting capacity is full. Then what should be done? You can follow the steps to overcome the full hosting capacity below.

How to Check Hosting Capacity

To see hosting capacity, you must first login to cPanel Hosting. On the right, there Disk Usageis the hosting capacity that you have. There are 3 color identities:
Green : there is still plenty of hosting capacity. You are safe if you want to upload website files.
Yellow : hosting capacity is close to full. Be careful.
Red : the hosting capacity is full. Delete unnecessary files or immediately upgrade your hosting to a larger package.
For example, the section Disk Usagethat says:
3.02 GB / 5 GB (60.45%)
This means that your hosting capacity is 3.02 GB out of 5 GB. Approximately 60.45% of the hosting is used. To check hosting capacity, you can follow How to See Hosting Capacity. You can also find out what files or folders cause hosting capacity to increase.

how to deal with full hosting capacity

How to Overcome Full Hosting Capacity

The most effective way to deal with hosting capacity is to delete some files that are less important. How do you find out what files make your hosting full? In cPanel Hosting, there is a CpCleaner Menu that you can use. This menu is used to perform scanning of some that are considered "less important" by the system. Usually these files are in the form of error_log, .trash files or some zip files. Well, here's how to deal with hosting capacity that you can do:

1. Login cPanel Hosting

The first step you have to do is login to cPanel. CPanel login can be via https: // domainname / cpanel, according to the email sent from KincaiHosting regarding Hosting Account Information. For those of you who don't know how to log in to cPanel, please read the Easy Way to Login cPanel Hosting .


After successfully logging in to cPanel, you will be directed to the cPanel Hosting dashboard. There are several menus that you can choose from. In the search form, please write "cpcleaner". Then click the Menu CpCleaner.


3. Scanning Files

After selecting Menu CpCleaner, the system will scan the error_log, * .zip, * .tar, * .tar.gz files as well as the / tmp, /.trash files. Please clickStart New Scan

how to deal with full hosting capacity

4. Deleting Files on Hosting

Now you can delete some of the files that cause hosting capacity to run out. We recommend checking and deleting files error_logand folders /.trash.

If so, please click Clean Files

Make sure you check the files first. Wait until the words “After cleaning the files you will not have the possibility to recover! Are you sure you want to continue? " means that the files cannot be restored after the deletion process has taken place. If you are sure you want to delete, please click OK.

how to deal with full hosting capacity

Wait a moment until the file cleaning process is complete. If it appears as shown below, the file cleaning process is successful. Now try to check your hosting capacity. Are you relieved?


There are various ways to deal with full hosting capacity, namely by deleting some "less important" files such as error_log, zipped folders or folders in /.trash. However, don't force it. Anything that is forced will be no good. As business processes develop, website needs and resources will increase. If indeed your hosting needs more capacity, then immediately upgrade to a higher package. To choose another hosting package, you can check KincaiHosting Cheap Hosting !

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