
After the website backup is complete, you will get a backup file. When a website is exposed to unwanted things, for example, it becomes the object of hacking, you don't need to worry. Because you have backed up important data on the website. Then, how do you restore important data that you have backed up? Inside cPanel, there is a Backup and Restore Website. Backup berfungsi untuk menyalin data penting. And Restore berfungsi untuk mengembalikan data pentingthrough these backup files.

As for the steps to restore the website via cPanel, namely,
1. Enter your cpanel. then log in according to the email sent from KincaiHosting regarding Hosting Account Information

2. Then you will enter the cpanel from hosting . In the search form, write " backup". Then choose Backup Wizard.

3. Then you will be directed to a page Backup Wizard. On this page there are several steps regarding the website backup / restore process. On step pertama, specify tujuan anda. This time you will restore the website. Therefore, click Restore.

4. There are several restore options, first, namely Home Directory yang digunakan untuk merestore direktori/ beberapa file website. Second, MySQL Databases yang digunakan untuk merestore database website. Third, Email Forwarders & Filters yang digunakan untuk merestore email. Then chooseHome Directory.

5. After that pilih file backupyou have downloaded. Click Choose File, then pilih file hasil backup. Then click Upload.

6. Wait until the website restore process is complete.


Restoreis something that is done to restore important files when a website is hacked or something else. This restore process is carried out when the data backup has been downloaded. To back up your website, you can read the Guide on How to Backup a Website via cPanel . By using cheap hosting at KincaiHosting you can easily restore websites via cPanel easily.

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