Hi KincaiHosting! Have you ever complained about the rampant hacking of websites by irresponsible parties? Ever feel afraid if at any time your website becomes a victim? Hmm .. Looks like you have to use ModSecurity on Hosting deh. How to use ModSecurity on cPanel Hosting?

What is ModSecurity?

ModSecurity is a web application firewall (WAF) specifically for Apache and Nginx which is open source. ModSecurity is used to detect and prevent attacks before malware reaches the website.

I have installed SSL and CloudFlare, do I need ModSecurity too?

Yes, of course. ModSecurity will protect your website from various attacks, monitor HTTP traffic and detect attacks. By installing SSL, CloudFlare and ModSecurity your website will be protected.

How to Use ModSecurity on cPanel Hosting?

ModSecurity already exists automatically in cPanel Hosting. So, you only need to select the ModSecurity menu on the cPanel Hosting dashboard. As for how to use ModSecurity, which is in accordance with the following steps,

1. Login cPanel Hosting

The first step you have to do is login to cPanel. CPanel login can be via https: // domainname / cpanel, according to the email sent from KincaiHosting regarding Hosting Account Information. For those of you who don't know how to log in to cPanel, please read the Easy Way to Login cPanel Hosting .

After successfully logging in, you will be directed to the cPanel Hosting dashboard. In the search field, please type "modsecurity". Then click the ModSecurity menu.

2. How to Use ModSecurity

Then you will be directed to the ModSecurity page. On this page, there are domains and subdomains that you have. You are free to activate which domain / subdomain you want to protect by ModSecurity.
Enabling ModSecurity
To activate ModSecurity, please click the On button on the desired domain / subdomain.

Disabling ModSecurity
To disable ModSecurity, please click the Off button on the desired domain / subdomain.

Enabling and Disabling ModSecurity for All Domains
To enable ModSecurity for all domains / subdomains, please click Enable. To disable ModSecurity for all domains / subdomains, please click Disable.

how to use modsecurity


In order to avoid hackers' attacks, you can use ModSecurity as a complement in addition to SSL and CloudFlare. How to use ModSecurity on cPanel Hosting is easy. ModSecurity can detect attacks, view http traffic and so on. Interested in using Hosting at KincaiHosting? Let's check CHEAP HOSTING ! We have a variety of hosting specifications that you can choose from at a price that fits in your pocket.

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