How to Duplicate MySQL Database on Hosting - Hi Everyone! Do you still remember some of the components that make up the website? There are several components of a website such as scripts, hosting, domains and databases. Well, a database is a file that stores data on a website. There are various kinds of databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and so on. MySQLis one of the most popular databases because it is used by most of the website files and CMS in the world. Moving a website from localhost to hosting means that you also have to move the database. And don't forget to configure the script to connect the database to the website. So, one of the things that is needed before moving is to export and import the database. If the export import database process is quite a hassle, you can duplicate the MySQL database in phpmyadmin. How to? Let's follow how to duplicate the following MySQL database.


How to Duplicate MySQL Database

Before duplicating a MySQL database, you must know what a database is, how to find the database name of a website and how to access phpmyadmin. As for how to duplicate the MySQL database, namely,

1. Login cPanel Hosting

The first step you have to do is login to cPanel. CPanel login can be via https: // domainname / cpanel, according to the email sent from KincaiHosting regarding Hosting Account Information. For those of you who don't know how to log in to cPanel, please read the Easy Way to Login cPanel Hosting .


2. Choosing phpMyAdmin

If the login is successful, then you will be directed to the cPanel Hosting dashboard. In the search form, please type " phpmyadmin". After appearing, please click phpMyAdmin.


3. Choose the database you want to duplicate

Make sure at the beginning you know the name of the database you want to duplicate. Then select the database.

how to duplicate MySQL database

4. Duplicate MySQL Database

Now is the time to duplicate the MySQL database. After selecting the target database name, please click the tab Operations.

how to duplicate MySQL database

Then write the name of the destination database in the section Copy database to. Please turn on Structure and data, CREATE DATABASE before copying, Add AUTO_INCREMENT value, and Add constraintsas shown below. If so, please click Go.

how to duplicate MySQL database

Note : If you have created a database before, immediately remove the check mark CREATE DATABASE before copyingand make sure the database is still empty.

5. Duplicate MySQL Database Successfully

Please wait until the duplicate database is successful. If there is a green notification like the following image, it means that the duplicate process or database copy was successful.
Please check the database on the left sidebar of phpMyAdmin.

how to duplicate MySQL database


Duplicate databases or copy databases from phpMyAdmin are often done because they are easier. However, for moving website files from localhost to another hosting, we recommend using MySQL export and import. Why? Because this duplicate or database copy process can only take place on one hosting only or are in the same phpMyAdmin. Always be careful when logging into phpMyAdmin because it concerns data from your website. Are you a WordPress user and confused about which database name to use? Let's read How to Know the WordPress Database .

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