How to redirect non WWW to WWW via cPanel - Everyone will want a domain name that is different from the others. Likewise with the use of the WWW in front of the domain name. There are various perceptions regarding the use of the WWW or not. For some people, choosing not to use the WWW in front of a domain name is an option, for example, . However, sometimes they also want to change their URL address to become . At KincaiHosting, you can easily mengarahkan alamat URL non WWW ke WWW.

As for the non-WWW redirect steps to WWW via cPanel, namely,
1. Enter your cpanel
then log in according to the email sent from KincaiHosting regarding Hosting Account Information
enter image description here
2. Then you will enter cpanel from hosting. In the search field, please write file manager.
3. Then will be directed to the file manager page. This file manager is the folder of your website. To redirect HTTP to HTTPS you can change file .htaccess. To find the .htaccess file, tulis .htacessin the search field then click GO
enter image description here
4. Then the location of the .htaccess file will appear in your website folder. Usually, the root or main folder displayed on the website is in public_html. Thenklik dua kali (double klik) pada /public_html/.htaccess.
enter image description here
5. After double clicking it will lead you to lokasi file .htaccess. Cari file .htaccess. If it is not there, then your file manager cannot display hidden files. Please note that file .htaccess merupakan file yang tersembunyiin the folder. For that, you need to change the settings from the file manager itself. Select Settingsthen give t anda centang pada Show Hidden Files. Then Save.
enter image description here
6. After that, look again at your file manager, then the .htaccess file is visible.
enter image description here
7. Click on file .htaccessthen select Edit.
enter image description here
8. Then a notification using the Text Editor will appear as shown, click Edit
enter image description here
9. Enter the following code,


RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

in the text editor, then click Save Changes. Wait a few moments until the save process is complete.
10. Then, write your URL address in a web browser using WWW. For example

Redirect non WWW to WWW in WordPress

For those of you who have a CMS WordPress based website, you don't need to enter cPanel and then change the .htaccess file. You just have to go to the WordPress dashboard and then do konfigurasi di bagian Settings. For more details, you can read the Guide on How to Redirect Non WWW to WWW in WordPress .


Using WWW or not, is everyone's choice. For some people, they choose to use WWW because it is familiar among the public that every website URL uses WWW. However, there are also those who argue that using Non WWW will affect SEO. At KincaiHosting, you can change your website URL address from Non WWW to WWW easily. Either through cPanel, or via the WordPress Dashboard. It's time to enjoy cheap hosting with the best features provided by KincaiHosting, such as using SSD, the availability of daily backup and restore features, and a money back guarantee.

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