Have you ever heard the word "backup"? Maybe often yes for those of you who have been working in a company, especially in the IT department. Don't forget that the data is backed up!  or  Backup first on flash in case there is a virus! Yaps, backup is one of the preventive efforts in data storage when something happens. Such as human error, cybercrime, virus attacks, natural disasters, hardware damage and so on. Backup activities are carried out to avoid losing important data from a website. If something happens to the website, then there's no need to worry. Because you already have a data backup or a copy of the data from the website. There are various ways to back up data at KincaiHosting. Namely backup via cPanel and automatic backup in Softaculous.

What is the Difference between Data Backup in cPanel and in Softaculous?

Yaps, surely you are wondering what's the difference between data backup via cPanel and automatic backup via Softaculous. Okay, in the previous tutorial we have explained how to backup data via cPanel. For those of you who haven't read it, please check the Guide on How to Backup a Website via cPanel . Now the difference lies in the data files that are backed up. When doing backups via cpanel, you can save various files as you wish. Do you want to backup the whole data (full backup) or backup certain files such as database files, email or certain folders. It's different from automatic backup in Softaculous. In Softaculous, you can back up your installed CMS files. For example, suppose you are installing a WordPress CMS on hosting. So, by doing the automatic backup feature in Softaculous, your WordPress files will be saved and avoid any indication of data loss.

How to Perform Automatic Backup in Softaculous?

The way to do automatic backup in Softaculous is very easy. Please follow the steps below, KincaiHostingns ..

1. Login cPanel

To enter Softaculous, the first thing you have to do is login to cPanel first via https: // domainname / cpanel, according to the email sent from KincaiHosting regarding Hosting Account Information. For those of you who don't know how to log in to cPanel, please read the Easy Way to Login cPanel Hosting .

2. Choosing Softaculous

After that, please write "softaculous" in the search form. Then the Softaculous Apps Installer menu will appear. Please click on the menu.

3. Perform Automatic Backup in Softaculous

a. First Way (New Installation)

You do this step when you first want to install a CMS via Softaculous, for example WordPress, Ghost, Joomla, Moodle and so on. Remember, only when you want to install the CMS for the first time!
1. Like when you want to install a CMS via Softaculous. Please type in the CMS you want to install. For example WordPress. Then click on the WordPress posts.

2. Then click Install Now to install. Then do it according to the guide that we have written in the Guide on How to Install WordPress on Softaculous .

3. To perform automatic backups in Softaculous, what you need to pay attention to is the Advanced Options section. If the form does not appear as below, please click on Advanced Options . Well, you will find the words Automated Backups and Backup Rotation . In the Automated Backup section, there are several options:
Don't backup : don't backup data
Once a day : backup will be done every day
Once a week : backup will be done every week
Once a month : backup will be done every month
Please select a backup time. Don't forget to adjust the hosting capacity!
automatic backup in softaculous

4. Then underneath there is a Backup Rotation option . Backup rotationis the number of backup files stored on the hosting. So, you can choose how many backup files you can store in the hosting. For example, backups every week with a Backup Rotation of 6. So, when the backup files exceed the backup capacity (6 files), the backup files will be deleted according to the order of the previous date. There are unlimited options, which means that the stored backup files are not limited.
automatic backup in softaculous

When finished doing the backup, please select a theme and click Install. Wait for the installation process to complete.

b. The Second Way (Existing CMS)

This step can be done when you already have a CMS such as WordPress, OpenCart, Joomla, etc. installed on your hosting . And, first the installation process was through Softaculous.
1. Determine in advance what CMS you want to backup. Suppose you have installed the Opencart CMS to create an online shop. Then, you want to back up data. So all you have to do is write Opencart in the Search form. Then click the OpenCart.

2. Scroll down until you find the words " Current Installations ". In this table, you can find the CMS that has been installed in the hosting along with the domain name. To do a backup, please click on the "pencil" image in the Options column.

3. Now you will be directed to the installation details page. Please look for the Automated backups and Backup Rotations fields . Arrange it like the first way, KincaiHostingns. Set the backup time and maximum backup storage capacity according to the hosting conditions you have.
automatic backup in softaculous

4. Now, after the backup time and maximum backup file storage have been set, then save all configurations by clicking Save Installation Details. Then the CMS file has been successfully backed up. Oh yes, the backup file that has been saved will be placed in / home / username / softaculous_backups /
automatic backup in softaculous

How to turn off Auto Backup in Softaculous?

You can turn off automatic backups in Softaculous easily, you know KincaiHostingns. Usually, automatic backups (auto backup) are often turned off when hosting capacity starts to become full . If the hosting capacity is full, of course it can affect the performance of your website and also interfere with other users. So, you need to delete files or turn off the automatic backup feature so that the backup file does not meet the hosting capacity . So, how do you do it? The method is almost the same as the second method (guide above), which is to enter cPanel, then select Softaculous Apps Installer. Choose which CMS you want Automatic Backup to turn off. Then click the "pencil" image as shown below.

Then in the Automated Backup section, please select Don't Backup. Then the automatic backup (auto backup) will be turned off. So, the system no longer performs data backups.


Backup is a preventive way to avoid any indication of data loss. You can perform backups directly via cPanel or automatically via Softaculous. So, don't forget to always back up your website data, Everyone! Enjoy cheap hosting provided by KincaiHosting and enjoy its simplicity. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask Kami KincaiHosting, we're making the Internet a better place!

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