You already know what VPS is and all its advantages, right? Yaps, VPS is indeed more powerful when compared to hosting. With a VPS, you can change the server operating system as you wish. In addition, you can change all the configurations according to the needs of the website. In the previous guide, we discussed the basic configuration and how to use a VPS for beginners. For those of you who don't know and are still newbies, we recommend reading it first in the Basic VPS Configuration Guide . Learn first how to enter the VPS dashboard panel and the menus on the panel. Then read the Guide on How to Use a VPSso that you understand how to activate a VPS. Now after that, you just follow the steps in this guide, ok? This guide will explain how to remote VPS via Terminal or Putty via SSH.

What is Remote VPS?

Remote VPS can be done via SSH access to the server. Do you still remember what SSH is? For those who don't know, please read the article Let's Get To Know SSH! So basically, remote VPS via SSH is the same as when you access SSH to Hosting. If via Linux, you can use the Terminal. If using Windows, you can use PuTTy software. Remote VPS is useful so that you can configure and setup the Virtual Server as needed. Like the server itself, you can install as you wish.

How to Remote VPS?

There are two ways to do a remote VPS via SSH. You can do this via the linux terminal or via PuTTy Software. Here we will explain one by one the steps,

Via the Linux Terminal

For those of you Linux users, the remote VPS (Virtual Server) method is very easy. You only need a Linux terminal / console that has OpenSSH installed, internet access and VPS IP address so you can remote anytime and anywhere. As for what needs to be prepared, namely,
a. Internet access
b. Linux terminal with OpenSSH installed
c. VPS IP Address Information. You can see the VPS IP Address information in the client area ( Select the Services menu then select your VM. Click the Overview tab and then the Hostname, IP Address and VPS Status appear.


How to remote VPS via SSH via Linux Terminal, namely,

1. Open the terminal then write down SSH [IP ADDRESS VPS] . For example, the IP address listed in this information is So, you can write ssh
2. Wait a few moments. The first time you want to do a remote, the server will synchronize the RSA Key. Please write "yes" then enter.
3. When finished, please press Enter. Then you are asked to enter a password. Please write down the VPS password that you have. Because it is a hidden password, when you enter your VPS password, your password will not be visible. Don't worry, keep writing down the VPS password until it's finished. Then press Enter.
4. Wait a moment then your VPS (Virtual Server) has been successfully remote via SSH.

remote vps way

5. After your successful VPS remote, that means you are free to do anything to the server.

* Note: you can also remote VPS via SSH with root privileges. As for the method is almost the same, just write it down  SSH root@[IP ADDRESS VPS]. Keep in mind, root is the highest permissions. So, make sure you do all your activities with care.

Via PuTTy Software

For those of you Windows users don't worry. You can still perform remote VPS via SSH via PuTTy Software. PuTTy is a software that can be used to make SSH connection between client and server.
As for what needs to be prepared, namely,
a. Internet access
b. PuTTy Software PuTTy
software can be downloaded via the official website . Please click "here" to download PuTTy Software.
c. VPS IP Address Information. You can see the VPS IP Address information in the client area ( Select the Services menu then select your VM. Click the Overview tab and then the Hostname, IP Address and VPS Status appear.


How to remote VPS via SSH using PuTTy Software, namely,
1. Open PuTTy Software. In the Hostname (or IP Address) section, please write the IP Address of the VPS. Then for the Port section, write the number 22. After that, the Connection Type section, select SSH. Then click Open. For other configurations leave only the default.

remote vps way
2. Usually the first time you want to remote virtual server, the server will synchronize the SSH RSA Key first for security purposes. Please select "yes".
remote vps way
3. Then write login as who. In order to be able to configure freely, you must log in as root (super user). For that, please write root and then enter. Then enter the VPS password. Because it is a hidden password, when you enter your VPS password, your password will not be visible. Don't worry, keep writing down the VPS password until it's finished. Then press Enter.
remote vps way
4. Wait a moment then your VPS (Virtual Server) has been successfully remote via SSH.



Remote VPS method can be done via SSH via Linux Terminal or PuTTy Software. After doing a remote VPS, you can configure or install anything into the virtual server. Keep in mind that all Virtual Servers are Unix based and use the Linux operating system with various distributions. For that, in configuring the server you must use the Linux command. For those of you who are still laymen, please read 10 Linux Commands You Need to Know! We have various guides that can help you if you have trouble, you know. Let's check the KincaiHosting documentation ! Interested in cheap hosting and cheap Indonesian VPS from KincaiHosting? Let's check cheap hosting and cheap Indonesian VPSDomaiNesia. Guaranteed, the price is cheap but the quality is not cheap.

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