VPS or Virtual Private Server can be your choice when hosting is no longer suitable. Hosting and VPS are different in use. In Hosting, you have limitations to deploy a website that does require high resources. For example, to create online classes using Moodle, you can freely use a VPS. But as a beginner, managing a VPS might be a little complicated. Relax, here are some basic VPS configurations that you can learn.

Also Read : What You Should Do After Buying a VPS

Basic VPS Configuration

Hi KincaiHostingns! This guide will discuss more about VPS or Virtual Server. There are many terms for VPS such as Virtual Server or VM . In the previous guide, it has been explained what virtual servers are, the use of virtual servers, their differences with hosting, the best virtual servers and so on. For those of you who don't know, please read Let's Get to Know Virtual Server! KincaiHosting uses a KVM type Virtual Server. This type of KVM is the most efficient form of virtualization because the activities of one Virtual Server will not affect other Virtual Servers in one Hypervisor. Then, each user has their own RAM and CPU. So that the performance of each VPS (Virtual Server) will not interfere with other VPS activities. Want to know other advantages? Please check What is KVM Virtualization . For beginners, sometimes they are often confused about how to use a VPS. Is it the same as hosting? Is there a dashboard panel like cPanel Hosting? Hmm ... Let's look at the following basic VPS configuration.

To access VPS, please check my.domainesia.com . Please click the menu Serviceson the left. On the Menu Services, there are several services that you have ordered. For VPS services, it will be in the VM column. To access the VPS panel, please click on the hostname.

Then you will be directed to the VPS panel page. There are 3 tabs that you can choose from. Overview, Upgrade and Billing tabs.

Overview tab

This VPS panel is different from cPanel on Hosting, you know. This panel is only used to make it easier for you to manage whatever you want to install on the VPS, view logs, monitor servers, change hostname and password, view bandwidth, server status, and download and upload charts.

As for the information:
Number 1: The operating system used
Number 2: Power button
Number 3: VPS status along with the hostname and IP Address
Number 4: Virtual Server Management Panel
On the virtual server management panel, there are several menus that you can choose from. Among others:
Hostname : Contains the hostname (virtual server name)
Change Password : Function to change VPS
IPs password : To configure
VM IP address Configuration : For VPS configuration such as boot order, ACPI
Console : To access VPS via VNC
VNC Password : To change VNC password
OS Reinstall : To change the OS / operating system on the VPS
Control Panel : There are several software that you can install for management such as cPanel, Webuzo, Webmin, Plesk, Interworx, ISPConfig3, VestaCP, and CentosWeb Panel
Rescue Mode : When the VPS is in trouble and has to choose rescue mode
Monitoring : To monitor RAM, hard disk capacity, network, to monitor CPU
Status Logs : To view status logs in VPS
Logs : To view logs from VPS
Tasks : To view tasks / jobs currently running on VPS
Reverse DNS : To add reverse DNS

basic vps configuration

Number 5: View graph statistics
Number 6: View server status
Number 7: View download and upload graphs

basic vps configuration

Upgrade tab

Function if you want to upgrade VPS.

Billing tab

It functions to find out the expiration date, the active period of the VPS and the total paid at the time of the order. To upgrade your VPS, you can also click Upgrade directly.

How to use a VPS

Now, after knowing the menus on the VPS panel, now is the time to use your VPS. To use a VPS, please follow the Guide to Using a VPS . The first step is that you have to activate the VPS first as in the guide.


For those of you who are new to VPS, it's better to get acquainted with some of the menus on the VPS panel. You can access the menu on this VPS through the client area ( my.domainesia.com ). You can use several menus on this dashboard panel for basic VPS configuration. You will understand better which menu to use if you want to remote VPS, log VPS, monitor RAM, change OS and so on. Interested in moving from Cheap Hosting to the Best Indonesian VPS? Please check DomaiNesia's cheap VPS page or directly contact us via chat via the website.

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