Overview of VPS
VPS is often called a Virtual Server or VM . Basically, this VPS is a server computer that works the same as an ordinary computer. The difference is, VPS has high hardware specifications and has high performance. What is the difference with regular hosting? Please check the Difference between VPS and Hosting. On a VPS, you can choose the operating system you want. Of course, a Linux-based operating system. Why? This is because Linux has proven reliable to be the operating system on the server, both in terms of performance and security. Oh yes, when you first order, you will get an empty server. This means that the virtual server has not been installed. You can install the operating system, cPanel, Webuzo, Webmin and so on as you wish. To access a VPS, you can go through SSH access or via VNC.
How to use a VPS for beginners
When you have finished placing orders and paying your VPS bill at KincaiHosting, you will find the VM name (hostname) in the dashboard client area ( my.domainesia.com ). This VM name or Hostname is obtained when placing a Virtual Server order. As for how to order, please read How to Order a Virtual Server .
1. Choosing a Virtual Server
The first step, please enter the browser and write https://my.domainesia.com . You will be taken to the client area page. Please click the menu Serviceson the left. On the Services Menu, there are several services that you have ordered. For VPS services, it will be in the VM column. In the VM column, there is a hostname along with the size of the VPS.
2. Start Virtual Server
This is one of the differences between VPS and Hosting. You can activate and deactivate VPS at will. In addition, you can change the operating system on the VPS as you wish. On the tab Overview, to select an operating system, it is seen in number 1. Now to turn on the VPS, it is in part number 2.
In part number 2, there are several buttons that you can choose from. When the VPS is off, it will have an Offline status as shown in section number 3. In order for your Virtual Server (VPS) to be ready for use, please click the start / stop button.
After you click the start / stop button, please wait a moment until the words "The VPS was start successfully" appear . If the text appears, please click OK. And your VPS has Online status.
To check this, please ping the VPS IP Address using the command prompt / terminal. If it appears as shown below, then your VPS is successfully turned on. You can remote VPS via SSH using PuTTy or linux terminal. As for the SSH guide, please read How to Access SSH Using PuTTy / Linux Terminal.
3. Stop VPS
The way this VPS stop works is like when you shutdown. So, the server has the time / process to complete the task. You can turn on and off the VPS service at will without having to completely shut down the server. To stop VPS, please click the button stop.
How to Restart VPS
You can also restart the VPS, you know. The trick is, please click the Restart button. Wait a moment for the VPS to finish restarting.
How to turn off a VPS
To turn off the total VPS, please click the Power Off button. When the VPS is in a completely dead state, you cannot do anything to the server like a power failure. To turn it back on, please click the Power Off button again. If the power off button on the VPS is clicked, there is a possibility that there is data loss because the data in RAM has not been flushed to hdd / ssd.
How to use a VPS for beginners is actually almost the same when using a normal computer. To activate and deactivate VPS, please click the start / stop button. To restart, please click the restart button. And when you want to turn off the VPS, please click the power off button. Want to know what's on the VPS panel? Let's check the Basic VPS Configuration Guide . In addition, KincaiHosting also provides cheap domain services , cheap hosting and cheap vps with not cheap quality. Greetings, KincaiHosting!