How to do a backup via cPanel

Website is the most urgent or core use of hosting and domains. Why would people buy cheap domains and cheap hosting if they don't want to build a website? A website whether it is an information system, an online shop, a personal website, a government website and so, of course, has important data. If the important data is lost, of course you will feel lost.

Why Should You Backup Your Website?

Backup is done for menghindari hilangnya data penting dari suatu website. The cause of the loss of important data can be in the form of human error, cybercrime, or several other factors such as natural disasters, hardware damage and others. If some of these factors are about a website, then you don't need to worry. Because you already have a data backup or a copy of the data from the website. In addition, website backups can be mempermudah anda dalam melakukan migrasi hosting.

Types of Website Backups

There are several types of backups that you can do. The difference between this backup process lies in its purpose and usage. As for website backups you can do:

1. Full Backup

Full backup is done if you want to migrate from hosting A to hosting B. Either the same or different hosting service provider. Because this full backup will make a copy of all website data such as file directories, website configurations, MySQL databases, as well as email forwarder and email filtering configurations. Usually, if you want to migrate your website from another hosting to KincaiHosting or vice versa, the full backup process must be done correctly.

2. Partial Backup

Partial backup is done if you only want to move some parts of the website. For example, backup website files only. Or just backup the database.

Full Backup and Partial Backup will be explained in this guide

3. Backup For Manual Migration

Well, this backup is usually done if you want to:

In essence, this backup process has 2 stages, namely backing up the website files into a .zip form and exporting the database. First, you have to compress the website files into .zip form. Then export the database into .sql form. So you will have a .zip backup file and a .sql database file. The two files will later be restored to the destination hosting / domain.

To do this backup, you can immediately follow the step by step in the guide on How to Migrate a Manual Website

How to Backup a Website on Hosting

This guide will explain about full backups and partial backups. You can easily backup your website via KincaiHosting's cPanel. The steps are,

1. Login cPanel Hosting

Enter your cpanel. then log in according to the email sent from KincaiHosting regarding Hosting Account Information
enter image description here

Then you will enter the cpanel from hosting. In the search form, write " backup". Then choose Backup Wizard.

3. Doing a Website Backup

Then you will be directed to the Backup Wizard page. On this page there are several steps regarding the website backup process. On step pertama, set your goals. Do you want to do backup website atau restore. Because, you want to back up the website then clickBackup.

4. Choose Full Backup or Partial Backup

Then, you will enter step 2namely memilih file apa saja yang ingin anda backup. There are two options, to back up the whole website you can choose Full Backup. If you want to back up only certain files, for example the database, you can choose MySQL Databases. If you want to back up files in the directory you can choose Home Directory. And if you want to back up your email, then click Email Forwarders & Filters. To anticipate cybercrime, then you can do a complete backup by selecting Full Backup.
enter image description here

5. Selecting the Destination Location for Download Backup

Then on step 3, you will be faced with lokasi dari file backup yang akan anda download nanti. On Backup Destinationselect Home Directory. Then in the section Email Address, write down alamat email yang akan memberitahukan bahwa proses backup website telah selesai.After that click Generate Backup.

Wait, until the backup process is complete. When the website backup is complete you will get aemail notifikasi.


6. Download Full Backup File

Then kembali ke cPanel, then click Go Back. Then you will find file backupwhat you can download.
enter image description here
To download a website backup file,klik link tersebut.

Also Read : If you just want to backup the email, please follow the Email Backup Guide on Hosting


Backupis one of the things that actually must be done when the website has a domain and hosting installed. Because with a regular backup process, your important data will be safe from cybercrime attacks, physical damage, natural disasters and human errors. After data backup, you can restore or restore important data files. To find out the steps to restore a website, you can read the Guide on How to Restore a Website via cPanel .

Published on: 3/2/21, 5:37 PM