KincaiHosting have ever heard of Virtualization technology? Yaps. According to Wikipedia , virtualization technology is a technique for hiding the physical characteristics of computer resources from how other systems, applications or users interact with these resources. So, virtualization is a technology that builds a system like a computer that works in a virtual machine. Suppose you have 1 computer in which there is 1 main OS (for example Windows 10). Then in the OS there are several virtual machines (computers) with various operating systems (OS) in them. For example Ubuntu Linux, Windows 8 and so on. People used to call it a computer inside a computer. Same is the case with VPS. The computer that is the main computer is used to create a server. So that the virtual machine that is in it is called a Virtual Server. Virtual Server will run on a main server which is commonly called Node / Hypervisor. Well, this time we will discuss the KVM virtualization technology on the KincaiHosting VPS .
Yaps, KincaiHosting has an advantage over other Indonesian VPS. KincaiHosting provides Native SSD (Solid State Drive) technology, Instants Spin, Multiple OS, Hypervisor with Intel Xeon E5 and uses the latest KVM virtualization technology with high efficiency and performance. Then, what is KVM virtualization technology? KVM stands for Kernel Based Virtual Machine (KVM). Yaps, from the name it can be seen that the virtual machine is based on the server kernel. This KVM was developed by the Linux operating system. So, it will run on a server with the Linux operating system. According to Wikipedia, KVM will combine the Linux kernel with a hypervisor (host server). Because it is based on the kernel, the performance of KVM will be even higher if it is supported by the latest technology processors. For example, the Intel Xeon E5 on the KincaiHosting Virtual Server. With the existing processor on the Hypervisor (main server), KVM does not need to modify the operating system anymore.
The advantages are,
1. This KVM type is the most efficient form of virtualization because the activities of one Virtual Server will not affect other Virtual Servers in one Hypervisor.
2. Each user has their own RAM and CPU . So that the performance of each VPS (Virtual Server) will not interfere with other VPS activities.
3. Can use a variety of operating systems such as Linux or Windows
4. Suitable for websites that require high resources
5. Suitable for websites that are busy with visitors every day
Do you know the advantages of KVM virtualization technology? Yes, KincaiHosting provides this virtualization technology especially for you through KincaiHosting VPS! With the combination of Dual Intel Xeon E5, Minimum 64GB ECC Registered Memory, Enterprise SSD with RAID as Node / Hypervisor Virtual Server. Supported by the KVM virtualization technology that works in it, makes KincaiHosting VPS increasingly high performance . Coupled with the VM deploy and spin features, you'll get root access in less than 40 seconds! In addition, we also provide licenses for several paid software as well as multiple OSes. We have various sizes of Virtual Servers with various prices and you can adjust them according to your needs. The packages we offer are based onRAM size, CPU cores, SSD storage capacity and bandwidth on the internet network. So, for KincaiHostingns who are interested in the advantages of KincaiHosting Virtual Server, please visit KincaiHosting Virtual Server . For order steps, please check the Virtual Server Order Guide.
KincaiHosting has offered all the conveniences. The higher the RAM and CPU core size, the higher the Virtual Server performance. The larger the SSD size, the greater the file storage capacity you have. And the greater the bandwidth, of course, the faster VPS access. With KVM virtualization technology, it will make your Virtual Server performance fast and capable. Because, the server is the heart of the website, so make no mistake in choosing VPS or Hosting! To find out the difference between hosting and VPS, please check the Difference between VPS and Hosting.Don't let your website go down when traffic is high. Of course, this is very influential on your business, right? So, don't hesitate to choose KincaiHosting as your business partner! Because we are one of the Indonesian VPS providers that have the latest technology. Greetings, KincaiHosting!